Wow Piece

handmade wire wrapped gemstonesSince I began crafting and later running websites dedicated to handmade artisans I’m pretty sure I’ve seen it all.  From absolute beginners trying to take their craft to the next level to children being encouraged to explore their creativity to experts in their fields.  Every so often, though, there is a piece of art that takes my breath away!

I’ve done plenty of wire wrapping over the years and think that I can create pretty pieces….but today I ran into a piece of wearable art that took my breath away!

Twisted Up Wraps creates wire wrapped jewelry that is more than just jewels and wire, it is absolutely works of art!  Each and every piece is unique from the chosen gems to the wire to the incredible skill required to put it all together!


handmade wire wrapped pendantAccording to his Shop Bio

“My art is about creativity and passion. Each piece is one of a kind and is individually inspired by the qualities of the gemstones and metals that I work with. Although one piece of jewelry may appear one way to me, when another looks at it they may have a completely different/meaningful experience. My favorite aspect of sharing my jewelry with others is the different reaction that each person has and hearing how they interpret the work done! I am blessed to have the opportunity to do what I love and look forward to continue sharing this passion for art with others.”

This passion can be seen in his work!  Want to check out more?  You can find Twisted Up Wraps here

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