5 thoughts on “Under New Management

  1. Welcome! i do have a problem though, I’ve tried to change my profile and submit some jewelry design’s and it states “you have been blocked by the administrator of wordpress.com. What is going on? I’ve been a member of IBH since the beginning; are we not allowed to change our profile, add a profile picture or submit item’s.

    Please email me to help me understand what is happening! If I don’t talk with you before Sunday, have a wonderful Mother’s Day!


  2. Marge,
    We are not linked to wordpress.com anymore. But I believe you are registered directly now. While logged in you should see your profile link on the right sidebar under your avatar or hover over the submit link on the top of the page and you’ll see profile. Yes you can still submit your work, we have changed things around a bit though. If you hover over the submit on the top of the page click submission guidelines. Once you’ve checked that out, just click submit and you’ll be directed to a submission form. We tried to make it really easy for people to submit their work. We haven’t made a big public announcement yet as we’ve been testing the new submission form. Things seem to be working well now and will be making an announcement soon in some of our other itsbetterhandmade groups. The idea is to help promote our members, we have new posts set up to automatically tweet on our IBHnetwork on twitter and are working on other promotion measures as well. That way we can hopefully direct customers to your work and others in our network.
    Hope all that makes sense, we are trying to get things set up as quickly as possible. We only took over Monday, so I think we are moving along well.
    Thanks so much for sticking around and all your support.

  3. The “new management” is what why I have joined “It’s Better Handmade”.
    I am sure it will be run as well and with as much amazing respect for and support of
    the members as you have shown in the “Handmade Artists” forum and shop.

  4. I am fortunate to have found this group. I appreciate all of the help that you offer us.

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