Texting Thumb Wrap| Relief for ‘Blackberry Thumb’

New technology is all around us and with new technology comes new ways to use and abuse our bodies. It wasn’t that long ago that no one was texting, or playing games on their phone or iPod. Now it seems that almost everyone has the ability to do these things, and using your hand in that manner has can become a strain on your hand causing pain in your thumbs and palm.

It has been described as ‘Blackberry Thumb‘ and pain is usually in the thumb, through the palm and down to the wrists. It can be very painful and even debilitating to someone when they are texting. It is a repetitive stress injury, and causes throbbing or aching.

  The good news is that you can recover from ‘Blackberry Thumb’. Gentle stretching, rest, and heat therapy (or cold) can alleviate the pain from excessive thumb use. A gorgeous texting thumb wrap has been invented by Hot Cold Comfort. It can be warmed in the microwave, and worn over the affected thumb and wrist. It’s comfortable, and you can even text while wearing it.

 You or someone you may know could be suffering from ‘Blackberry Thumb‘. Don’t suffer; help yourself and your poor thumb get some relief with a texting thumb wrap from Hot Cold Comfort.

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