Intriguing layers of light and dark lavender, brushed with some sea greens with subtle touches of chatoyance. A rare find! The stunning and rare Russian Charoite oval (37mm x 21mm) necklace measures 18″ or 20″ long, with silver components. This is an amazing piece to…
Seraphinite and Sterling Silver Earrings
Uplifting Seraphinite – $19. Seraphinite is an iridescent green stone, with silvery “feathers”, which is associated with the Heart Chakra. It is uplifting, can help open the heart to love, and helps you connect to your angel guides. It is closely connected to nature, and…
Wire Wrapped Rose Quartz Pendant
Genuine Rose Quartz crystal, wrapped in 20 gauge silver colored brass wire. Pendant hangs on a 22 inch long silver tone figaro chain.