This fringed leather handbag is made in navy blue leather and measures 9 inches tall x 7.5 inches deep and has a 48 inch braided strap making it perfect for wearing crossbody. The leather is very soft and durable and the rosette is beaded in…
Fringed Leather Handbag with Beaded Dragonfly
This fringed leather beaded dragonfly is made of very soft, durable elk skin leather and features an adjustable 4 point braided strap and a extra pocket inside and one on the back. This crossbody bag measures 8 1/2 inches tall x 6 inches wide x…
Bohemian Leather fringed tote / handbag
This bohemian leather fringed tote handbag is perfect for anyone that likes to carry a lot of things with them when they go out for the day. It measures 15 inches wide x 13 inches tall x 6 inches deep and has a comfortable 33…
Fringed leather handbag with beaded turtle
This fringed leather handbag is made of elkskin leather. It has tied fringe front and back and a beaded turtle totem on the front of the bag. This bag features an inside pocket and one on the back. The adjustable four point braided strap measuring…