Felted Scarf Neckpiece. Wrap scarf. Bright blue & black Elegant winter accessory. Folk style

Felted Scarf Neckpiece. Wrap scarf. Bright blue & black Elegant winter accessory. Folk style Much more beautiful than the picture! This gorgeous very soft and light felted scarf made from natural materials: very soft merino wool 18 microns. Scarf decorated woolen fabric in folk style….

White & Dark Gray Felted Scarf Neckpiece Gothic Collar. Felted Art Wrap scarf. Chunky scarf Shibori scarf

White & Dark Gray Felted Scarf Neckpiece Gothic Collar. Felted Art Wrap scarf. Chunky scarf Shibori scarf Much more beautiful than the picture! This collar made of soft merino wool and fantastic luxury handspun sari silk multicolor and merino wool yarns through a wet felting…

Nuno felted scarf shawl Wrap shawl Africa shawl Wool Silk Brown Orange Wrap scarf Animal Print Scarf Long Chunky Straight Scarf Alpaca Scarf

  Nuno felted scarf shawl Wrap shawl Africa shawl Wool Silk Brown Orange Wrap scarf Animal Print Scarf Long Chunky Straight Scarf Alpaca Scarf This nuno felted scarf is made of soft merino wool brown and orange colors through a wet nuno felting process. Scarf…