Espresso Sea Salt great aroma and Rich, pleasantly bitter coffee scent and flavor Order now.

Espresso Sea Salt   Welcome to Home Farm Herbery’s Wide World of Salts.  Here you will find our wonderful Espresso Sea Salt and our loyal customers sometimes refer to it as Espresso Bean Sea Salt.  Regardless of what they call it every one of them,…

Chipotle Pepper Sea Salt. This has great aroma and hot, smokey, tangy and rich flavor. Order now

Chipotle Pepper Sea Salt   Welcome to Home Farm Herbery’s Wide World of Salts.  Here you will find our wonderful Chipotle Pepper Sea Salt. This has great aroma and hot, smokey, tangy and rich flavor.  There is a lot of work creating this blend since…

Arlene’s Smoked Kosher Salt is our newest addition to Home Farm Herbery’s Wide World of Salts. Order now.

Arlene’s Smoked Kosher Salt We use a lot of good pure kosher salt in our Home Farm Herbery kitchens and many of them are smoked salts so we thought why not a Smoked Kosher Salt offer and our loyal customers love the savory taste and…

Home Farm Herbery in Munfordville, KY offers its newest blend. Alaskan Bristol Bay Salmon Seasoning. Order now

Alaskan Bristol Bay Salmon Seasoning   At Home Farm Herbery we eat a lot of Salmon not only because it is good, but because it is healthy.  Salmon has gained star status on the dinner menus coast-to-coast and several medical groups now advocate salmon, as…

Arlene’s Pollo Asado Chicken Rub is a palate pleasing Salt Free Seasoning blend that has a wonderful spicy, zesty flavor. Order now

Arlene’s Pollo Asado Chicken Rub   Our Pollo Asado Chicken Rub is a palate pleasing Salt Free Seasoning blend that has a wonderful spicy, zesty flavor. This Mexican chicken seasoning balances perfectly with the citrus juice and this combination is the secret to this pollo…

Arlene’s Bahamian Chicken Spice Rub (Salt Free) makes a zesty dry rub or marinade. Order now for free shipping

Arlene’s Bahamian Chicken Spice Rub (Salt Free)       Our Home Farm Herbery’s Bahamian inspired chicken seasoning that is excellent as a dry rub but is especially dazzling when used as a wet rub or marinade. The best way to think about this is…

Our Home Farm Herbery Chemical Free, Organic Onions Chopped and Dried are available in 1 oz. to 50 lb bulk sizes with free shipping Order now

  Onions Chopped and Dried   Our Home Farm Herbery Chemical Free, Organic Onions Chopped and Dried are just the thing to use when you make pasta and breads, soups, on pizza, chicken and salads.   Our Onions Chopped and dried are slightly larger than…