Arlene’s Smoked Kosher Salt is our newest addition to Home Farm Herbery’s Wide World of Salts. Order now.

Arlene’s Smoked Kosher Salt We use a lot of good pure kosher salt in our Home Farm Herbery kitchens and many of them are smoked salts so we thought why not a Smoked Kosher Salt offer and our loyal customers love the savory taste and…

Home Farm Herbery Chemical Free and organic Celery Seeds have an authentic flavor, aroma and taste of Celery Order yours today

Celery Seeds Home Farm Herbery Chemical Free and organic Celery Seeds have an authentic flavor, aroma and taste of Celery and you can use them in potato salads, pickling, stews, vegetable salads and coleslaw.It is a great substitute for Celery Powder, Celery Salt, Celery Flakes, Poppy…