Show Off Your Works of Art


Time to submit your work!

We all know that getting seen is the first step to selling your treasures, but because the web is such a massive place getting seen can seem like a monumental task.  You can now submit your

A couple of guidelines:
 work, with a picture and link, on It’s Better Handmade.   This bit of exposure will be automatically Tweeted as well as submitted to various bookmarking sites giving your treasure its time in the spotlight.  Feel free to submit handmade treasures linking to any site you chose, be it Etsy, ArtFire, Zibbet, HandmadeArtists, or even to a portfolio site.

First, this is for handmade creations only.  We love vintage and spend an insane amount of money on supplies, but our goal is to get handmade treasures seen by those that seek out and love handmade.

Second, please follow the instructions including adding a picture as your feature to your post.  I will review the posts, but will not spend time editing each one.

Third, each post is moderated for now.  As we grow and everyone gets comfortable I will allow people to post without being moderated first, but as this is a new feature I want to ensure that each post is following the rules as well as set up properly.  They are also moderated so that multiple posts do not appear at the same time ensuring that each treasure gets its moment to shine.

What to include:

Please include a feature picture!  This image will be used as a thumbnail for your post and since a picture is worth a thousand words, why lose this opportunity to show off your work?

Also, please use more than a few words in your description.  People need enough information to want to click the provided link and buy.  If you only give them a couple of words they may just click away.


All descriptions and images must be family friendly or they will not be posted.

Once you have posted your product, take a few minutes to check out some of your fellow artists’ work and leave a quick comment!  This little bit of encouragement from the artists’ community means a lot to our artists and in return they will do the same for you.

Now, the instructions for submitting your treasures for features can be found here.  Once you read them, head on over to the submission page and follow the instructions.

Here is to one step closer to getting seen by that buyer that can’t live without your handmade treasure!


10 thoughts on “Show Off Your Works of Art

  1. Thanks so much for taking your time to do this website! It is outstanding, awesome venue for crafters to get exposure. I can tell it is a lot of work on your part, and it is very much appreciated.

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