Order these Heirloom Zaatar herb Seed producing a a woody perennial native to the Middle East.

Zaatar Seeds Organic
 (Origanum syriacum)
Our Home Farm Herbery Zaatar Seed produces a woody perennial
native to the Middle East.  This is a spicy smelling and tasting
oregano-like herb that is the keystone herb in the condiment
“Zaatar,” which is a delightful combination spice used quite
frequently with pita, garlic and olive oil.
This plant prefers full sun and dry to mesic soils. Sow seed
in the spring, in pots or flats or directly in the garden. Traditionally used
in a Middle Eastern seasoning mixture with olive oil, garlic, salt and other
herbs and spices.
You mix the dried and powdered herb with various other
ingredients–garlic, salt, olive oil, crushed sumac seeds, etc and use it on
bread.  It is quite delicious and habit
forming in a good way. Zaatar is one of the sources of the antiseptic essential
oil known as carvacrol, which (along with other terpenoids such as thymol)
inhibits several kinds of nasty bacteria (e.g. Pseudomonas aeruginosa) by
eroding the bacterial cell wall. Plant prefers full sun and sandy,
fast-draining soil. This seed makes an abundant crop of leaves in the first
growing season.  Make sure to harvest in
the first year of growth as the overwintering of this plant is never a sure
Hardiness to 20 degrees F
When you sow this package of
seeds you are taking part in the preservation of healing plants worldwide. 
Limited quantity so buy early.
25 Seed Pkt.  $6.95
with free shipping and a free herb or herb blend of our choice.
We thank you in advance for your purchase as all our net
proceeds go to St. Jude Children’s Research


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