The purpose of letting our valued members to have the ability to submit their new creations on It’s Better Handmade is for exposure. We have been dealing with handmade artists from all over the world for years now and we understand how hard it is to get your name seen by the masses. So, that is the goal; just trying to show a little love and support for our handmade friends.

Now this is entirely free to those who create handmade items. We don’t care where you sell online, anyone is allowed to post. However you must register first and YOUR ITEM MUST BE HANDMADE!

All fields need to filled out the submission form and the more information you include the better.  If you skip fields (such as description or link to your product) or fail to include a picture, your post will be deleted.  There is no way, with the volume of submissions that we receive, for us to correct and edit each and ever post.

Your posts will be put into the line up if every field is submitted.  Depending on the number of posts ahead of you, your post may not go live for a few hours or even a day.  Please be patient as every artist deserves their moment on the front page.


How to submit your product:

  1. The Title should be unique and imaginative. Lets try not to be too pitchy here.
  2. You must upload at least one picture of your product within the description box.  Hit “Upload/Insert” above the description box and a new window will appear.  Add a picture that you want use as your featured image.
  3. Now, type in a detailed description of your product; lets make it more than a few words please.   Just so you know a couple of extra seconds to give a detailed description is worth your weight in SEO value.
  4. Product URL is just that, paste the link here to the product you are promoting.
  5. Tags are important, I would suggest using around 12 or so, key phrases are allowed as well, just separate by commas.
  6. Attachments are optional and not required, but you can use that to add additional images  of your product if you so choose.
  7. Hit submit. Right now all submissions will go into moderation and be approved at intervals so that your piece gets it minute in the spotlight. Once your post is approved you will automatically receive an email.

All posts should be approved within 24 hours, though usually faster.

Now, out of respect for your fellow members of  It’s Better Handmade, please show a little love and support and comment on all the treasures you find here!

Submit Here

30 thoughts on “Submission Guidelines

  1. i don’t sell on line yet only small local craft fairs and one little local shop and i don’t have a website yet and i’m not sure about ETSY. will you still post my handmade items? and please forgive the ignorance what is SEO?

    1. Christine, I will happily show off your work for you. Is there a place that you can post so that customers can contact you if they are interested? We are not promoting one venue over another, but more handmade in general. As far as SEO, that is the keywords that you are adding in order for search engines to find you.

    1. Marge,
      I see 5 published posts by you. You should be receiving an email when the post is published. The only thing I can think of is to check your email address that you signed up with, or check and make sure your notifications are not going into your spam for any reason.

      1. I’ve been submitting my new design’s individually and the 5 published post are all the old one’s that were submitted before the change over of new ownership. I just finished submitting a new item about 10 minutes ago and I really doubt if I’ll get a email. I’ve submitted all my new diamond ring design’s and I can’t find them anywhere.

        I haven’t changed my email address that I originally signed up with nor have I received any spam email’s.

        All item’s that I do submit I put under the category of “Jewelry.” When I look at the jewelry category their are only 14 pages of jewelry; and only one of my design’s show up (which has been on IBH for sometime). Where are my submission’s going?

        I’ve been a member of IBH since it started and never have had any type of problem’s. I almost feel like it has become “pick and choose”; those that are chosen, get listed.

        1. Maggie,
          Every handmade post gets listed. 2 of the posts in your profile have been since we have taken over. We do not pick an choose, nor do we appreciate being accused of it. As far as 10 other posts we are not showing any submissions whatsoever. I’m not sure what you are doing will submitting but they are not getting through. Just as a test I increased the image attachment size, as maybe the images you were loading were too large. I would give it another test and see if it works for you now. I also answered you on the artfire forum. Can we keep this conversation in one place so it will not be confusing. This is a free site and free service to assist artisans from all around the world, not just IBH members. We do the best we can to provide this service for free. If you are not happy with the service you do not have to use it, if you would like to use it then you are more than welcome to use it. We prefer not to handle a service issue in comment threads, there is a Contact Us on the top of the page. Please use that so we can properly handle any issues next time.

        2. Maggie, I am not sure what the problem is, but as was posted, all handmade items are going through…I do NOT pick and choose what is posted. If you fill out the form here it will be posted. If you have any other problems, use the contact us button and we can figure it out but I do not appreciate the accusations of “pick and chose.” The site is being redone for the benefit of all handmade and I have worked very hard to be upfront with the goals of the site.

  2. Are we allowed one submission a day? Appreciate having this venue to get some exposure. Thanks!

    1. You can submit as much as you like. The only thing we may do is mix the posts up a bit so that different people get featured instead of having multiple posts in a row from the same artist.

  3. I did a submission and hopefully I didn’t screw it up, got confused about adding the picture and when I used the link to add a picture within the description the box seemed to contain all the fields necessary.

    Please feel free to send me an email if I messed up, also is there a link so that we can create comments on each others items?

    Not sure if this is the same page that I used before. sorry guess I need to check in the guild. I do get a bit confused because I am relatively new to all this (about 4 months into it). I did some affiliate marketing before but the constant writing finally made me a blank.

    1. I followed your link to your shop and grabbed a picture of your daughter poem bracelet for you. I’m not sure why you are getting the error message but your post will include a picture from your shop.

  4. Kimberly, I think the confusion on adding pics is because there are two places on the form where it seems to ask for you to upload a pic…..right before the title and again before the description. I was a little confused by it also.

  5. This sounds like a great idea! I know I’ve been gone for awhile but intend to get back into things. Lots of new idea’s to go with spring and summer attire.


    1. They will be visible after I approve and schedule them, though they may not be live for a bit since I spread out the posts to every hour.

  6. How can I edit listings I previously submitted – as some have been sold. I would also like to change a few photos of items as I have rephotographed them. Would it be easier to delete the item and relist?

  7. Hi there. Is there a size limit to the photo that you can submit in the ‘insert photo’ box above the description? I tried one and it didn’t seem to work. I tried another and it loaded.

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