National Failure Day

Every had one of those days where every little thing that could happen did?  Every had your child witness a mess up and point and shout “FAIL!”?  If you have ever had a fail moment, this day is for you….Happy National Failure Day!  In honor of all those blush worthy moments of our lives, I present to you some amazing works of Handmade art from some talented artisans.

IBH Fail


Ever tried Ever Failed Print

ever tried and failed art printThe words of Samuel Beckett have been artfully captured by Limeyts on this darling art print just waiting for a place in your home or office.  This print lets us all remember that everyone fails….and it is always better to fail big!

Where words fail music speaks guitar pick in aluminum

altered guitar pick personalizedHave you ever stuck your foot in your mouth absolutely unable to make the words come out right?  If so, try music and let it speak for you!  This amazing work of art guitar pick comes to you from the Nicilaskin who can make a simple pick into a work of art.

If All Else Fails Eat A Cupcake altered art pendants

altered art pendant cupcake failSometimes no matter what you do the day is an overall fail.  Rather than get upset, take the advice of this darling pendant from Original Art Pendants and eat a cupcake!  After all, a cupcake will fix everything, right?  Maybe not, but you will feel better for a while!




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