Mothers Day Ideas, How To Make Beads, Glass Bead Making Taster Session For Mum And Me!

il_570xN.550403518_1cdnLooking for mothers day ideas? Look no further, come and learn how to make beads in my glass studio in Nottingham, UK. A four hour mum and me glass bead making taster session.

I have over 6 years of bead making experience and countless more years of working with jewellery, in this 4 hour bead making course I will show you and a friend:

>How To Pull Stringers
>How To Make Twisties
>How To Make Plain Beads
>How To Make Swirly Beads
>How To Make Spotty Beads

Can we really do all that in just 4 hours? I hear you ask

This lampwork class is designed for those of you that want to try something new without spending a fortune or, like me, are short on time! I pack heaps of priceless info into my bead making courses, don’t worry though, not only will I tell you all this invaluable info but I’ll also give you a full set of notes to take away with you, just incase your like me & your brain is chocka-block full of other meaningless trivia!

So what elseis included?

>Four hours of two-to-one tuition
>Ample amounts of class notes
>Full safety briefing
>All the beads that both of you & I made during the lesson (you’ll have to share the beads I make)
>Use of all tools and equipment necessary including protective safety gear

But wait, that’s not all…

Once you’ve finished your taster session you will also be able to attend my ‘Follow On Day’ a full day class of melting glass and making beads for those of you that are hooked!

So when do you want to vent your artistic flair? Either contact me before to purchasing to talk dates & times or book now, safe in the knowledge that we will arange a mutually convenient timescaale for you.

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