Mosaic Tray clay roses pearls cut broken china

 Glamorous shabby chic cottage Mosaic Tray. This was a vintage silver plate tray, Silver plate all gone, I sanded it down, primed it, it got a coat of cottage white paint. A lil bit of distress to give it that worn well loved look. I then proceeded to cut up my already damaged fine bone china plate rims and stained glass and filled the inside with this lovely mosaic. Roses and blooms are climbing on this tray like a briar bush in the wild, so romantic.
I then filled the rim with lil pearls and tulle roses all the way aorund to give it that finished look. A lil arrangement of handmade clay roses in the left corner and this Mosaic tray is brimming with beauty.
The mosaic is grouted in an antique white grout and sealed. I showed it photograped in different light and it can be hung up on the wall too as this is a footed tray.
The colors are the truest on the close ups of the pictures.Measurements: Approx. 19×14 inchesOvercharged shipping is always returned in my shop.


Materials Used
tray, china plate, stained glass, grout , sealer, clay roses, pearls, ribbon


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