Miniature Jar with Blood Red and Midnight Blue Glazes on Handmade Artists’ Shop

potteryThis porcelain jewelry box measures 3″ x 2.5″. It was wheelthrown and has a lid with a deep enough well to hold a few rings and then there is the container underneath for more storage space too. The dark shiny blue glaze is a woodash glaze with 4 % cobalt carbonate and the blood red glaze underneath is a copper bearing glaze that requires the kiln to be put in a oxygen-starved state so that the copper carbonate in the glaze turns red instead of clear. The sides were pushed in to give the jar lobes. The blue glaze fell into these lines to really accent them. Click on each for a larger image. This jar is priced at $34.00 (includes shipping and handling).

via Miniature Jar with Blood Red and Midnight Blue Glazes on Handmade Artists’ Shop.

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