Magic wand handcrafted with inlaid claw and glow in the dark end

This is a handcrafted magic wand for your special child’s playtime. It’s not designed for real spellcasting 😉 P5280127It will come with a parchment describing the fantastic story of its production and advice on its use. It will make a great gift for a young witch or wizard with creative imagination!

This wand was cut and sanded by hand from mahogany wood. P5280129 The “business end” of this wand features a glow-in-the-dark “magic eye” (latex), while the handle features a “magic talon” (acrylic), both embedded in the wood. The body of this wand was cut with a slight curve, accentuated by curved wood burned lines along the body. The lines lead from the tip to where they curl above the handle with a double ring at the base, all wood burned by hand. I gave the mahogany a light stain, then the entire piece then received four coats of semi-gloss polyacrylic to increase its durability.

Hours of love and craftsmanship went into producing this wand, and it is sure to produce many hours of creative play in your young spell caster.

Each of our magic wands has a name, tied into the story in the parchment. This wand is “Acubens,” which means “The Claws,” named for a star in the constellation Cancer. The full text of the parchment is below.

Name: Acubens (“The Claws”)
Production Number: 245
Materials: mahogany, latex, acrylic, stain
Artisan: Bryce Piper

Like this wand? See some of our other wood art here:

Greetings, young Spell Caster!
Know ye that possessing special trust and confidence, this magic wand is hereby awarded to thee.
This wand is named Acubens It has a rich and illustrious history. It is hoped that ye will continue its story with honor!
In the Age of Legends, a babe named Illa was born to a poor family in a remote mountain village. He seemed hale of body at first, but as he grew older it became clear that his spine had a distinct curve. Illa refused to let this hinder him, and except athletics he did all the things the other boys and girls could do and he was smart and nimble with his hands. Nevertheless, the ignorant villagers whispered rumors about him, saying he was cursed and his presence in the village would bring evil. But instead of growing angry and bitter, young Illa felt sorry for them, knowing in his heart that he was a good person. And so, rather than make matters worse, young Illa decided to leave the village and seek his fortune in the world. His family begged him not to go, but he insisted, vowing to return one day and bring wisdom to the village. Little did Illa know of the dangers of the outer world. It wasn’t long before he was kidnapped by a band of thieves and sold into slavery to the evil wizard Slaemt the Lazy. Illa worked in Slaemt’s household, sweeping the floors and cleaning, and thus he spent a great deal of time with the wizard, who was always disagreeable and mean-spirited. But Illa stayed in high spirits and sought the best in people, and after many years Illa’s goodness began to wear away at Slaemt’s bad nature. The wizard became less angry and mean toward those around him. Eventually, he grew to love Illa like a son and began to teach him the magical arts. One evening, they climbed to the roof of the high tower of Slaemt’s keep and under the light of the constellation Cancer, crafted Illa’s magic wand from a mahogany branch that once grew in the courtyard of an Elven king. In the handle they placed a talon from the claw of a Wind Hawk, a magical bird found only in the Elemental Plane of Air. Then Slaemt hugged his adopted son, telling him that Illa’s life as a slave had come to an end and he was free to go. Illa returned to his village, only to find the evil the villagers feared had come to them after all! A wicked Na-Beholder, a creature with 1,000 eyes who could see in the dark, had taken up residence in a nearby mountain cave, terrorizing the villagers and turning anyone who opposed him to stone. But the Na-Beholder proved no match for the powerful magic wand of Illa, who slew the monster and set one of its terrible eyes in the tip of the wand. The villagers welcomed Illa back as a hero, and he built a great house where any person who was differently-abled could live in peace and harmony, protected by the grateful village and Illa’s magic.
Acubens is named after a star in the constellation Cancer and its name means “The Claws.” Remember to only use its power for good! And may the good works ye do with it return to ye tenfold!P5280131

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