Magic wand handcrafted with Norse runes


Magic wand handcrafted with Norse runes
Magic wand handcrafted with Norse runes

This is a handcrafted magic wand for your special child’s playtime. It’s not designed for real spellcasting 😉 but if that’s how you choose to use it, feel free! It will come with a parchment describing the fantastic story of its production and advice on its use. It will make a great gift for a young witch or wizard with creative imagination.
This wand was cut and sanded by hand from balsa wood, making it very light. It features sqare sides with rounded separations and Norse runes wood-burned into it. After shaping and polishing, the entire piece received three coats of semi-gloss polyacrylic to increase its durability. Finally, about four feet of leather thong finished the handle.

Hours of love and craftsmanship went into producing this wand, and it is sure to produce many hours of creative play in your young spell caster.

Each of our magic wands has a name, tied into the story in the parchment. This wand is “Skrifa,”

Magic wand handcrafted with Norse runes
Magic wand handcrafted with Norse runes

Icelanding for “writing.” The full text of the parchment is below.

Name: Skrifa
Production Number: 273
Materials: balsa, leather, wood burn, polyacrylic
Artisan: Bryce Piper

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Greetings, young Spell Caster!
Know ye that possessing special trust and confidence, this magic wand is hereby awarded to thee.

Magic wand handcrafted with Norse runes
Magic wand handcrafted with Norse runes

This wand is named Skrifa. It has a rich and illustrious history. It is hoped that ye will continue its story with honor!
The Norns lived within the Well of Urd beneath Yggdrasil, the great tree at the center of the universe that holds the nine realms. There they carved runes into Yggdrasil’s trunk, shaping fate and destiny. It is said that Odin, the great all-father of the Norse, had an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. From his throne in Asgard, Odin watched the Norns use runes to change and guide the paths of men and gods, and he envied their power. He bent his will to the task of understanding the runes. But since the runes do not

Magic wand handcrafted with Norse runes
Magic wand handcrafted with Norse runes

reveal themselves to any but those who prove themselves worthy, Odin realized he must perform a sacrifice to gain their knowledge. Odin hung himself from a branch of Yggdrasil pierced with a spear, refusing aid from anyone, even food and water. He stared down into the Well of Urd, calling on the runes to reveal their secrets. For nine days and nights Odin stayed there, teetering on the brink of death. At long last the runes accepted his sacrifice and showed themselves to him, revealing their forms and the secrets they held. Having gained great knowledge, Odin ended his ordeal with a scream of exultation. The great Viking shaman Nemandi crafted this wand, embedding runes of sacrifice and victory in it, and used it with great success in battles and contests with frost giants. Nemandi’s sacrifice was years of dedicated study and devotion to learning, which always brings great rewards to those who

Magic wand handcrafted with Norse runes
Magic wand handcrafted with Norse runes

thirst for knowledge.
This wand is named “Skrifa,” Icelandic for “writing.” Remember to only use its power for good! And may the good works ye do with it return to ye tenfold!

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