Lupercalia Day

Definitely one of the stranger celebration days but so much fun never the less!  Lupercalia is an ancient fesival of the Romans celebrated around 400 AD in which the priest of two colleges of “Luperci” could gather at the “Lupercal.”  This cave was the one where the Goatherder Faustulus found Romulus and Remus being suckled by a she-wolf.  At the celebration, two youths from noble families would be brought forward and smeared with the blood of sacrificed young goats before being washed clean with wool soaked in goats’ milk before attending a large feast.

This type of celebration would be frowned upon in our current day and age, but we can still have the fun of the celebration with some amazing works featuring the famed goat from the talented hands of handmade artists!

IBH Lupercalia

Toy goat



First for the children of the party comes this darling wooden goat toy, completely handmade from the talented hands of DadsWoodenToys.  Each piece in the shop is cuter than the last and ready for any little one to get their hands on and create an imaginary world of their own.

Grungy, Primitive Goat – Crow in Seed Bag – Sprigs of Preserved Oregano and Sweet Annie



This darling little goat would be perfect for any primitive decor, or just a perfect offering for the goat lover in your life!  From the amazing shop of CaneRiverCrafts, this little guy features everything from rusty wire to stick legs and an adorable stowaway in his pack!

kids donut goats milk glycerin soap


Of course, after the festivities you still have to clean up, and what better way than with goats milk soap?  How about that same handmade soap in the shape of a calorie free donut?  Perfect in every way, NormasBathAndBody presents quality soap in wonderful scents and shapes that are sure to get anyone ready for the bath.

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