Lovage produces glossy dark green leaves

Lovage Seeds
Lovage Heirloom Herb Seeds
At Home Farm Herbery we really enjoy growing this 100%
Heirloom/Non-Hybrid/Non-GMO (Levisticum officinale) perennial. Lovage produces
glossy dark green leaves that have a flavor similar to Celery.It is known for the treatment of digestive problems. A teaspoon of Lovage
seeds, steeped in Brandy, strained and sweetened with sugar is on old remedy
for settling an upset stomach.The plant Height: 80″ tall and it takes 85 days to maturity.

When you sow this package of seeds you are taking part in
the preservation of healing plants worldwide.
Buy today as we only have 5 packages available this season
and we will provide free shipping, free planting guides and a free herb, herb
blend, tea sampler or heirloom seed of our choice.
Sampler package of 30 seeds $4.99
We thank you in advance for your purchase as all our net
proceeds go to St. Jude Children’s Research
WARNING LABEL: Home Farm Herbery cannot take any
responsibility for any adverse effects from the use of seeds and/or plants.
Always seek advice from a professional before using a seed and/or plant for
medicinal purposes.


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