Hurricane Sandy

Please note that my family and I live on the New Jersey shore, in line for a direct hit from Hurricane Sandy.  In the event that our power goes out it may be difficult to approve your posts or answer any email questions.  I will do the best I can to keep things moving, but I am asking for your patience if your submitted products do not go live for a few days.  I will cue them all in order as soon as this storm passes and power is restored.

To all those living the effected areas, please know that we are thinking of you and stay safe…heck, if you can’t go to work, use the time to create something beautiful and hurricane related!  Send me a picture and link to your shop at and when we are back up we will have a Hurricane Showcase!

5 thoughts on “Hurricane Sandy

  1. We’re praying for everyone on the East Coast in the path of Sandy. We have relatives and friends there too (I’m a former New Yorker) and wish you all the best!

  2. Stay safe and warm Kimberly. I live in North Carolina-so I was just narrowly missed by Sandy (just getting hit slightly by her outskirts-which isn’t a big deal). I have family in NJ and am worried about them staying safe and being okay during the storm.

  3. We have survived the storm! Power is out, no internet.
    We have approved posts through tomorrow, so keep submitting, we’ll approve as we can.
    Thanks for you patience!
    IBH Team

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