Help an Amazing Young Man and Win a Treasure for Yourself

stretchy braceletsIn our day to day life, most of us go about our business, vaguely aware that there are those out there with very tough roads ahead of them….but do we stop and really think about them?  I will be the first to stand up and admit that I usually do not, that is until I saw a post about an amazing boy named Zac who has set a lofty goal for himself despite some serious hurdles.

Zac was born with a condition called Moebius Syndrome, a neurological disorder that is present at birth and affects the cranial nerves leaving those with the syndrome unable to move their faces to suck, smile, frown, or move their eyes laterally.  They may also be born with skeletal abnormalities, respiratory problems, speech and swallowing disorders and visual impairment.

chidren craftsZac is unable to breath without a breathing tube and cannot eat so must be fed with a feeding tube in his stomach.  He was born without feet and uses prosthetic feet to walk or a wheelchair.  This little trooper is currently in 7th grade but because of his disabilities, cannot do many of the things that we take for granted such as riding a bike or walking on the beach.

Up until recently, Zac’s favorite pastimes were reading and playing video games (which judging from my own kids seems pretty normal to me! ) until his mother bought him a small loom kit to play with.  This has set Zac on a path to entrepreneurship that nobody had planned on!  Zac is making and selling loom bracelets in a variety of colors in order to raise money so his family can go to Disney!  This young man is intelligent and outgoing, judging from his Facebook page and speaking with his mother, and is currently taking orders for his bracelets in just about every imaginable color and even in rainbow if you can’t pick just one!

stretchy rubber braceletsI deal with a lot of artists both online and in real life, but never have I been so inspired by a young man as I have been by Zac and his family.  This loving family is in full support of Zac and his goals and are all pitching in to make his dream come true.  In addition to his planned vacation, Zac and his family want to spread awareness about Moebius Syndrome to others so that these young people do not have to feel alone and different from others and hopefully allow others to see the wonderful boy behind the syndrome.  His family is determined, that despite some obvious obstacles, Zac will have a full life full of adventures (that do NOT involve medical treatments!) and fun.

Zac has a Go Fund Me page as well as a YouTube Channel so that you can see this amazing boy in person!  If you would like to help Zac reach his goals you can check out his Facebook page and message him to place an order for a bracelet!


Now for my contribution to Zac’s cause…..If you help me share this boy’s amazing story you can win a prize for yourself.  This beautiful sea glass illusion necklace has been wrapped in sterling silver that sets off the white glass perfectly.  This treasure comes ready to wear on an 18” sterling silver chain so you can always have a piece of the beach with you!

Sterling Silver sea glass necklace pendant

How do you win?  Help me get the word out!  Share this post on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or your own site or blog.  Comment on this post along with where you shared Zac’s story and you will be given one entry for each share.  On May 6th I will draw one name and be in contact with you to get your shipping information and you will have your prize on its way….just in time for summer wear!

Don’t forget-you MUST COMMENT and let me know where you shared Zac’s story for each entry!  Help this family get the word out about a difficult disease and send them on a magical vacation they so deserve.

39 thoughts on “Help an Amazing Young Man and Win a Treasure for Yourself

  1. Posted it on Facebook along with this comment: “I woke up with a cold this morning and I’m really PO’d becasue I have a lot of work to do to get ready for my booth at Earth Day but then I read this and I realize I have to put things in perspective!”

  2. Hi! What an amazing story. Thanks so much for sharing it with us.
    I shared the post on my personal FB page, my Pisati Creations FB page, my personal Twitter page, my Pisati Creations Twitter page, my Pinterest page, and…Google+. 🙂
    Can’t wait to order a bracelet and show it off!

  3. Hi zac, you are doing an amazing job. We had a little guy where I live who did the same as you but for a different illness and managed to raise more than fifty thousand pounds! You are doing a brilliant job – keep going!
    I have shared this, but would have done anyway on my fb page without the possible win of the pretty necklace, because I do it anyway for amazing people who are trying their best. Good luck – and when you get to Disney, please post us lots of pictures! I would love to see you there! 🙂 xx

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