Haricot Vert Bean Heirloom Seeds for sale, Order now, FREE shipping

Haricot Vert Bean Heirloom Seeds for sale, Order now, FREE shipping

At Home Farm Herbery we love these Heirloom Maxibel Haricot Vert Beans!

Haricots Vert is French for green beans and is a French variety of green beans. This is the most popular French filet bean and unsurpassed as a gourmet market specialty.

Fancied for their slimmer, more delicate profile, these highly coveted, stringless filet beans can often prove more costly so this is one good reason to plant some plus they are a good money maker if you do the farmers market gig!

It is known for its long, slender, medium green pods with a delicate tenderness. This bean is a heavy producer of 6-8” beans on good sized plants. Maxibel will keep you loaded with fresh beans for a good amount of time. Pick frequently for optimal tenderness and yields.

If you have never tried these you do not know what you are missing!

Speckled brown seeds. (Phaseolus vulgaris)

Only 65 days to maturity so plant after your last frost.

Disease Resistance: Anthracnose, Bean Common Mosiac Virus

We only have a limited amount of these wonderful Heirloom Haricot Vert Bean seeds this year so order now.

When you sow this package of seeds you are taking part in the preservation of healing plants worldwide.

50 seed sampler pkt $6.95 Buy today

Thank you for your order as 100% of our net proceeds go to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.

Your order automatically enters you in this month’s contest to try to win a FREE original work of art valued at least at $100.00.

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