Happy Smoke and Mirrors Day

Magic captures the imagination of young and old.  While we know that there is a “trick,” the illusion is still always a thrill.  To celebrate the art of illusion, I present to you Smoke and Mirrors Day!  What better way to celebrate than with some amazing handmade works from truly talented artisans.

IBH Smoke and mirror



COPPERCLOUD SKYEHOARD Dragon Crystal Magic Wand Anandalite Quartz



First up, the magic and what is more wonderful than a wand!  From the talented hands of SpinningCastle, this amazing piece is made using unique crystals and absolute attention to every detail.  This entire shop is amazing!

Bonfire-7 Wood Smoked Sea Salt



The smoke in “smoke and mirrors” adds mystery and magic; well, this salt may not add mystery, but the magic is all in the taste.  From the amazing shop of Salt Farm comes this wonderful addition to any meal….smoked sea salt!

Custom Mosaic Mirror



Mirror are wonderful…but never as wonderful as the handmade treasures from Green Street Mosaics!  Each mirror is handmade and each piece laid out with an eye for detail and design.  Your mirror will definitely be a work of art!

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