Handmade Highlight – Oh, to be a cat!

Another Handmade Highlight, based on the question, “If I could be anything, what would I want to be?”  I’d want to be one of my 3 cats, hands down.  They seriously have the life.  Good food, lots of rest all over the furniture, our clothes, the down comforter, our laptop keyboards, friends to play with, and lots of hands to pet them… when they’re in the mood.

2 thoughts on “Handmade Highlight – Oh, to be a cat!

  1. Your collage of cats is amazing 🙂 It makes me smile. I especially like your “button cat”. Do you have pictures of your Botanical products?

  2. I’ve posted some of my own products here, and the rest are at http://reefbotanicals.com, http://handmadeartists.com/shop/reefbotanicals, and http://fabricofmymind.com.

    If you click the link to the collage, you can also then click on the various items contained in it, which all belong to other artists. The person who makes the button cat (which I also love!) makes all different button animals that are really too adorable. Definitely check her out.

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