GLOW in the DARK spiral cut magic wand with glitter Unicorn horn

This is the most in-depth magic wand I’ve made to date!


This is a handcrafted magic wand for your special child’s playtime. It’s not designed for real spellcasting 😉 … But if that’s how you choose to use it, I won’t tell! It will come with a parchment describing the fantastic story of its history and advice on its use. It will make a great gift for a young witch or wizard with creative imagination!

This wand was cut and sanded by hand, the design was inspired by the unicorn story below. It features a tapering white oak core with spiraling, treated pine on each side. The spiraling pine was slightly tapered and sanded, then treated with a light coat of 100% pure tung oil. After it dried, it received a distressed purple acrylic paint, now only visible in the spiral troughs.


Covering the white oak to keep its natural color, I then passed the spirals through a white paint mist to lighten them and added silver and blue sparkles. It then received a thick coating of glow in the dark clear spray, followed by two layers of polyacrylic to add durability and ensure the sparkles stay in place.

This magic wand GLOWS IN THE DARK when exposed to light for a few minutes. Hours of love and craftsmanship went into producing this wand, and it is sure to produce hours of creative play in your young spell caster.

GLOW in the DARK spiral cut magic wand with glitter Unicorn horn
GLOW in the DARK spiral cut magic wand with glitter Unicorn horn

Each of our magic wands has a name, tied into the story in the parchment. This wand is “Monoceros,” named for the constellation of the same name. The full text of the parchment is below.

Name: Monoceros
Production Number: 267
Materials: White oak, pine, acrylic paint, glitter, glow in the dark
Artisan: Bryce Piper

Like this wand? See some of our other wood art here:

Greetings, young Spell Caster!

GLOW in the DARK spiral cut magic wand with glitter Unicorn horn
GLOW in the DARK spiral cut magic wand with glitter Unicorn horn

Know ye that possessing special trust and confidence, this magic wand is hereby awarded to thee.
This wand is named Monoceros. It has a rich and illustrious history. It is hoped that ye will continue its story with honor!
Enthailianna was an elven princess who studied the lore of magical arts under her tutor, the great gnome wizard Ixthant, in the wooded realm among the eaves of the Forests of Nebliothe. As a cousin of the king, Enthailianna was adopted into the royal household when she was orphaned as a child. Her heart was pure and the people loved her. Ixthant, though not an evil person, was a gnome after all, and he desired power above all things. His greatest desire was to obtain a hair from the mane of a unicorn to set in the handle of a magic wand, making it a powerful tool indeed. Ixthant begged Enthailianna to sing in the forest, hoping to call a unicorn. But she was loath to do it because she did not trust his intentions and this caused a rift between teacher and student. But Enthailianna’s curiosity was raised, and one day she snuck away to try to call a unicorn alone. Little did she know Ixthant knew her mind and secretly followed her into the forest. Long she wandered, far from her cousin’s kingdom, deep into the forest, with Ixthant secretly following her. She came upon a tall, grassy hill and sitting thereon sang songs of power and beauty as hadn’t been heard there for many an age. And as she sang, there indeed came forth from the forest a snow-white unicorn, who climbed the hill and knelt at her feet, hypnotized by the beauty of her voice. Then Ixthant burst through the trees, calling to the princess to win him a hair from the unicorn’s flowing mane. But both she and the majestic beast were offended at the intrusion, and permitting the princess to mount his back, the unicorn fled from the gnome back into the forest. Little did they know an army of goblins returning victorious from war with a fairy kingdom lay in their path. Enthailianna and the unicorn quickly found themselves surrounded and


overwhelmed. The goblin king himself swung a mighty blow with his sword at Enthailianna, but the unicorn saved her, thrusting his beautiful horn between her and the sword. The fierce blow split the horn through the middle, but as it did so, a great burst of white flame blew out in all directions. The burst decimated the goblin army but both Enthailianna and the unicorn had disappeared as well. Huffing and puffing, Ixthant stumbled upon the scene, but among the burnt goblins the only trace he found of Enthailianna’s fate was the split unicorn horn. From it he fashioned this wand, which he lay at the feet of the Elven king in payment for the king’s lost princess.
This wand is named “Monoceros,” Greek for unicorn and is named in honor of the Constellation Monoceros. Remember to only use its power for good! And may the good works ye do with it return to ye tenfold!

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