Get a Featured Article Written About You

My mission is to showcase the true value of handmade over mass produced.  One way to accomplish this is by allowing your customers to get to know the artist behind the work.  When your customers feel like they know a bit about you, they feel a connection that is nowhere to be found in a large box store.

In order to give your customers a chance to meet our artists, It’s Better Handmade is going to be featuring various artists and give them some much deserved front page exposure.  Now, before anyone jumps, this is NOT a favoritism game.  I will happily feature any handmade artist in that is willing to take a few minutes to fill out a short questionnaire and has a decently stocked shop.  I will be keeping a list of artists and featuring them in turn.

Now, if you are interested in being featured you are going to have to do just a bit of work.  Copy and paste the following questionnaire along with your answers and send them to me .  Please give me more than one or two word answers!  If there is not enough info I will send it back to you and ask for more…better too much and I will cut it down than too little and I don’t have enough to work with.

I will take these answers and work them into a featured article.  I will also be snagging some of your pictures from your shops to show off in the write up.  By filling this out, you are giving me permission to quote you and to use your pictures for the article on the site.  If there is a particular piece that you are dying to show off then please include a link to that product so that I can find it and I will do my best to include it in the article.

So, if you are ready to open yourself up to the world…let’s begin

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