Featured Artist Sue of Mama Picture This


il_570xN.473409253_sxw4One never knows how simple words will shape a child!   One such example is Sue, who’s fourth grade teacher asked her parents to get her a sketch pad and pencils….and the road was set.

Sue is currently a mother of two children and works marketing a non-profit mental health and addiction service.  She was blessed to have an artistic father and brother growing up, but put her own creativity on the back burner while her children were young.  She has since rekindled the fire and refound the love of art and creativity through writing, drawing, photography and crafting that was always there.  She now finds that the hours just slip away when she is working!

il_570xN.468687185_cegnWhat began as a hobby and photo blog soon evolved into Mama Picture This and Sue has not looked back.  She is currently selling online and exploring craft fairs in which to show her work.  She loves to sell her work, finding just the right piece for each customer, but admits that it is not all easy.  Sue quickly found that the World Wide Web is a vast place and getting her name out there and getting found is not always easy.  Even with the learning curve of online selling, Sue happily says that she hasn’t felt a passion like this for some time.

il_570xN.472961783_2fivDespite the difficulties, Sue still encourages other artists to pursue their own handmade dreams.  She advises everyone to first off, believe in yourself!  After all, if you don’t; who will?  Secondly, set goals…small ones and bigger ones and always celebrate even the littlest successes along the way.

Are you ready to see with this dynamic mother of two can do with her camera and craft supplies?  Mama Picture This can be found on Etsy and you can follow her work on her blog as well as on Facebook.  You will quickly see how passion can make even the smallest thing into amazing works of art.

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