My mission is to showcase the true value of handmade over mass produced.  One way to accomplish this is by allowing your customers to get to know the artist behind the work.  When your customers feel like they know a bit about you, they feel a connection that is nowhere to be found in a large box store.

In order to give your customers a chance to meet our artists, It’s Better Handmade is going to be featuring various artists and give them some much deserved front page exposure.  Now, before anyone jumps, this is NOT a favoritism game.  I will happily feature any handmade artist in that is willing to take a few minutes to fill out a short questionnaire and has a decently stocked shop.  I will be keeping a list of artists and featuring them in turn.

Now, if you are interested in being featured you are going to have to do just a bit of work.  Copy and paste the following questionnaire along with your answers and send them to me at .  Please give me more than one or two word answers!  If there is not enough info I will send it back to you and ask for more…better too much and I will cut it down than too little and I don’t have enough to work with.

I will take these answers and work them into a featured article.  I will also be snagging some of your pictures from your shops to show off in the write up.  By filling this out, you are giving me permission to quote you and to use your pictures for the article on the site.  If there is a particular piece that you are dying to show off then please include a link to that product so that I can find it and I will do my best to include it in the article.

So, if you are ready to open yourself up to the world…let’s begin!


-Tell me about you; no, not your medium, but about you as a person.  What do you do in addition to art or are you an artist full time?  What do you like to do when you are not creating?  Do you have a family, job, other hobby?  Basically, tell me about you apart from your work.

-What is your chosen medium/mediums to work with?  Why did you choose this medium?  What is it about this medium that gets your heart racing to create?  How did you find it?

-How did you get started creating?  Was it obvious your entire life that creativity was part of you?  Did a family member encourage you or did you find your creativity later in life?

-Tell me about your business.  How did you get started selling your work?  What have been the rewards of selling your work and what are some of the pitfalls of selling?  Do you sell at craft fairs or are you a strictly internet vendor?  What do you love or hate about selling?

-Where can we find you?  Do you sell elsewhere on the web?  My goal is to help you sell, wherever that may be,  so don’t hide it…give me links to your selling venues such as Artfire, Etsy, Zibbet, HandmadeArtists and I will put them out there for you.  What about FaceBook, Twitter, Stumble, etc.  Let me know where I can point customers to find you.

-What advice would you give to someone that is considering selling their work?  Would you tell them that they are nuts and run for the hills or should they go for it and put themselves out there?

-Anything else?  If I missed something important that you want the world to know, now is your chance.

See; wasn’t that painless?  Now send your answers off to me you will be notified when your feature appears so you can show it off!


21 thoughts on “Featured Artist Submission Form

  1. I think this is a wonderful idea. There are so many of us artisan’s that don’t even know anything about each other or what type of creativity that they enjoy. I’m going to have to get started on these question’s and become a star of IBH!

  2. brilliant idea – will fill out that there form as soon as my fibro fog goes away for a few mins!

    1. I know exactly how you feel as I have been dealing with fibro for the past 30 years. When they told me it was going to become worse I didn’t believe them. I am just grateful for the man above the strong will and mind that he has given me to keep going. I am looking forward to hear about you and your creativity!

  3. Hi Kimberly

    Great idea! I have just completed the submission form and sent it off to you.I’m looking forward to seeing what changes you’ll be making, and congratulations!


  4. Hi Kimberly,

    I think this is a great idea and thank you for doing this for us. I would love help on showing off my items, I don’t think I have enough yet. I can still do this later right, or is this time stamped? I welcome your advice and suggestions. Thanks!

    Sangeeta (Oooh cards)

    1. Your shop looks just fine if you want to submit. Of course, if you would rather wait there is no time limit on this offer as long as people remain interested in doing it.

  5. hi kimberly…i would love to be a featured artist…i am happy to fill out your questionnaire so ya’ll can learn more about me and hope to gain a little extra exposure…thanks for offering such a fun and supportive blog…

  6. Hi Kimberly,
    I would love to be featured!!! I would be happy to answer any questions you have. Thanks for offering this fabulous feature. It would be such an honor to be on your amazing site. Have a wonderful weekend!
    Amanda Lynne

  7. This is so generous of you Kimberly! I wandered into this page from the Handmade Artists forum and you bet I filled out the form and sent it to you! I look forward to possibly seeing my name up on your site someday!

    Thanks for doing this, not only for me, but artists and hobbyists everywhere!

    ~Katie Rose

  8. I just filled the questionnaire and i am so glad! Thank you for giving all the artists the chance to be featured ! It is really great for us !!
    Thank you !!!

  9. Kimberly,

    This is a wonderful opportunity for artists. Thank you so much for doing this. I think it’s a wonderful idea. I support handmade all the way, I buy all my friends and family gifts that are handmade because it’s so much more personal and I want to support a small business and family rather than a large corporation. I think that there are so many talented artists out there that just need more exposure and to be seen. These raw and honest questions are a great way to get to know the person behind the work. I even think it’s a great idea to save all the answers you write and add it to your profile or even an artists bio or fb page. That’s what I will be doing. I will be submitting mine soon <3


  10. Thank you for taking the time to do this! I truly feel like I am now noticed, as apposed to a small fish in a huge ocean!!! 🙂 You guys are awesome!!!
    I second Lisa’s comment. The beauty of buying handmade is to have a personal relationship/experience, and support the artisan directly. In return, you also get personal customer service, and in most cases can contact the artisan directly with any questions you have about a product! They are usually very accommodating! It’s an awesome way to shop!!

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