Featured Artist Lissa of Spirit Beads Jewelry

handmade braceletThere are some people with the perfect attitude towards life and work and creative pursuits and when you find them, hold on because you are in for a ride!  Lissa fits this bill and despite life handing her a few lemons, she has made a place for herself in the creative world.

Lissa was always surrounded by creativity with both her parents and her sister as artists and as a result, she could be found sewing, painting, and generally creating from the time she was small.  She latched onto music as her creative outlet for many years and still loves to sing but has since followed a few other paths, some of those a bit bumpy at times.

Lissa was a school teacher turned technical electrical sales representative and had her career going strong with an international company when God changed her plans.  In the course of a year she turned 40, got a promotion, had her third child and ended up disabled….now that is a roller coaster ride.  After a long road fighting for her disability, it finally came through and the next month her darling husband passed away.  While all of this would leave many of us curled up in a fetal position, Lissa has taken the bull by the horns and turned it into her new, and very fulfilling life spending every possible second with her beloved son showing him to never stop reaching for the moon because even if you fall you will be sitting amongst the stars.

10955710_856651794380360_8162457523941922096_nIn 2003, Lissa had a friend that showed her the world of paper and scrapbooking and for a time, that was her creative outlet, until that same friend introduced her to the world of beads and jewelry….and that passion has become a lifestyle!  Unlike when she was scrapping, jewelry gives her instant gratification and the ability to create one of a kind pieces for her family (lucky family!).  Her preference is for lampwork thanks to the challenge of adding crystals and metals to make absolutely unique creations.

After discovering her passion for beads, her late husband was quick to encourage her to sell her creations finding that her favorite pieces were often the first to go which has turned her into a self-proclaimed bead hoarder….of course only those beauties that she just can’t bear to part with.  After trying her hands at church bazaars and craft shows, Lissa began setting herself up online and quickly discovered that there are a few advantages over in person sales such as no set up and lifting and no long hours just sitting!  She also found that there are some down sides such as people are much more apt to buy if they can pick up and try on a new piece rather than browsing a page.

10915218_843159099062963_8711828508589876753_nLissa is happy to offer some advice to those thinking of setting out in the world of handmade crafts.  She encourages them to never stop trying to find your niche; there are so many things to enjoy and when you find yours, never stop learning whether from books, or videos, or just browsing always try to improve your work and skill.  Also, keep in mind that you are going to be your own worst critic!  Get advice from others that you trust and then jump in.

Are you ready to see how this amazingly talented mother keeps her life filled with some stunning pieces of wearable art?  You can find her on Facebook and like her page!

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