Featured Artist Jacqueline of The Wicked Griffin


copper celtic bracelet cuff handmadeEveryone has a different dream; some dream of a huge house and plenty of money to travel the world, for others it is a quiet getaway to retreat to…but for Jacqueline and her 4 year old daughter, it is to live a dream life off the grid and her vision is slowly taking shape!  She has learned how to create a variety of natural products such as soap and cosmetics and allowed her love of the simpler life to shape her jewelry creations.

Jacqueline took a silver smithing class years ago, but as much as she loved it, she had herself convinced that she could not cast silver herself and therefore could not make jewelry!  It wasn’t until many years later that she looked back and understood that the entire class was as out of their element as she was.

sterling silver leaf handmade ringIn 2011, Jacqueline decided to make a few simple pairs of earrings for herself and innocently posted her work on facebook.  The reaction was unexpected to say the least.  She was encouraged to sell her work, though her confidence in her creativity was still not there.  She pushed doubt aside and created a few more pairs and opened her online shop.  Much to her surprise….the work sold!  This sparked a passion that she did not know she possessed and The Wicked Griffin was born.

rune inspired earrings handmadeAs time moves on, Jacqueline’s work has taken on much more complicated designs.  She loves to learn new techniques that she can incorporate into her work.  Jacqueline does now use silver in some of her designs, but really prefers the organic look of copper.  She feels that “it represents my jewelry perfectly.  It’s an organic look and feel and perfectly represents the concept of my pieces.”

When a treasured piece sells, Jacqueline describes it as humbling and gratifying.  She is always thrilled when someone loves a piece enough to part with their hard earned money to buy one.  She admits that it can be hard not compare her sales to others as well as keep up with the fast moving trends so that you can know what is going to sell.  She has learned that many people would rather buy a number of smaller items, rather than one expensive statement piece, so she often shows more affordable treasures in her shop.

il_570xN.300897104Jacqueline encourages new artists to sell their work as long as they are truly passionate about what they are doing.  She knows that if you don’t love what you do, people will see and feel it in your work.  In addition, always make your work your own!  Don’t blatantly copy another artists’ creation and call it your own.  This is a slap in the face to the original artist.  You can look to others for inspiration and ideas, but take that and create something all your own.  Finally, remember that the more you put into your business, the more you will get out of it in the end!  Unique work and being true to yourself will attract customers.

Are you ready to see what this wonder mom who dreams of quietly working in her studio far from distractions can do with a bit of metal and inspiration?  Jacqueline does not do shows, thanks to her work schedule and job as a mom, but she can be found easily online….which is lucky for all of us!  You can check out her Etsy shop as well as her own website to see her designs.  You can also keep up with what she has been up to on Facebook!

Jacqueline has a style all her own that reflects her beliefs in the simplicity of living….that being said, simple living does NOT mean living without style!

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