Featured Artist Highland Princess

Highland Princess

chainmaille hand flower purpleGirl after my own heart!  I admit that I tend to jump into new things with both feet; as my packed to the gills craft room can attest too, but this one has me beat!

Highland Princess was hanging out at a Renaissance Festival and saw a complex headdress in chainmaille.  Not one to mess around, she promptly ordered the supplies and set out to recreate the piece.  Now, anyone that has done chainmaille knows that there is a learning curve, so, a bunch of learning curves later, Highland Princess was hooked!

chainmaille black widow necklaceSince that time many years ago, she has branched out into making necklaces, bracelets, and handflowers in addition to playing with woven leather and fiber.  Her work must be seen to be believed with each piece making a statement all its own.

Don’t wear jewelry?  Highland Princess also creates some amazing household decorations such as candle holders and dreamcatchers.  You can find Highland Princess on HandmadeArtists as well as her blog.  Be prepared to be awed.

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