Featured Artist Elizabeth Leslie of Heart of Stone Pendants

Heart of stone pendants

Polymer clay and quarts pendant handmadeEver see a piece of art and stand in awe that someone actually made that?  Such is the case when you see the work of Elizabeth of Heart of Stone Pendants, a creative young mother of two with a full plate that still finds time to feed her creative spirit.  In between chasing a 12 year old boy and a 19 month old girl, she loves to do yoga, read, listen to music, pray and mediate.  She finds a ton of joy is nurturing her family and even strangers.  So how does she nurture herself?  Art!

Elizabeth was always a creative child, according to the creative and performing arts academy she attended in High School, maybe a bit too much!  She was referred to as a “free creator” which basically means she didn’t like being told “how” to do something “right.”  She did not want to follow the assigned guidelines when it came to art but instead wanted to create what she loved!  After a time, artist’s block set in and she set her creative spirit aside…until recently….when she rediscovered her love of creating!

polymer clay gemstone pendantElizabeth found the perfect medium for her when she discovered the versatility of Polymer Clay.  She had done some sculpting as a child, and even won a few awards so when she found the clay it reawakened the sculpting bug.  Soon after, another discovery….gemstones!  So many colors and shapes and styles that each one being unique  that they each inspired a different clay setting which is perfect for a creative soul to work with.  Elizabeth admits to being very detail oriented, and clay lends itself perfectly to this personality trait allowing her to work and rework and rework until she captures all the details she saw in her mind’s eye.

handmade gemstone and polymer clay jewelrySo now that she knows she loves clay and gems, what to do with them?  Pendants!  Works of absolute wearable art!  After putting her work on Facebook, Elizabeth immediately sold two pieces.  People love her work which is a huge confidence booster even when sales are slow to come, so rather than get discouraged with online selling, Elizabeth is determined to get her work in front of the right buyer for her art.

What advice would this darling dynamo mother of two give to someone just starting out selling their own artwork?  Do not cut corners!  Make each item the best that you can and put effort into your pictures for the web.  In other words, if you are going to do then do it right!

il_570xN.705063717_5zhzAre you ready to see some of the work that Elizabeth puts her heart and soul into?  You can find her on Etsy, but don’t blame me when you ask yourself “How does she do that?”

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