Featured Artist Bianca of Benedetta Crafty


il_570xN.446603795_i7w7Bianca describes herself as bubbly, motivated and positive!  She has a marketing and business development background; she is currently living as a full time artist, making the world more colorful through her work.  When she is not working on her art, Bianca loves to spend time with her family, read and work out.  She enjoys her life and seems determined to live it to the fullest.

il_570xN.506271112_ifheBianca was always a creative person, going to art classes and exploring crafts until she stumbled upon thread and paper.  These simple objects are the things that make her heart sing with the beautiful colors and innumerable possibilities.  She slowing began online selling with stitched words of encouragement and an attitude of “Never give up in whatever you do.  Every step forward is one step nearer to success.”  She is currently not selling at local craft fairs, but has not discounted the possibility in the future.

il_570xN.498848073_o67aThis talented, young lady has some very wise words of advice for those thinking of selling their own handmade creations…”Go all out and be successful in your business and never regret for any decision made in your life…Do not let anybody or anything out there put your dream down.”  Not easy words to live by, admittedly, but certainly ones that will take you far!

Are you ready to see what this bubbly artist has to offer the world?  You can follow her blog which is full of words of encouragement and guidance as well as shop her Etsy store to see what a combination of paper, thread, and creativity can bring.

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