Facebook Timeline, A Virtual Scrapbook

Facebook keeps changing, every time we turn around. For the older bunch of us..it can get confusing and frustrating. For the younger crowd, its fun to see new changes. But for handmade artisans..most of us are the middle aged group.

Facebook has evolved from a very basic name, picture, birthday and other basics..to more elaborate, more sophisticated communication between connections. API’s or keys..to linking other sites and applications have taken over the grid. It just seems to get more and more sophisticated rather than being just a fad.

The new Timeline is a way to take the lost data we posted way back where you can not find it..and put it together like a virtual scrapbook. You have a new banner in Timeline, that can be customized to whatever describes you. The top line of thumbnails are configured like categories. There is a more visual organization for your story, your data, your pictures, videos, posts, etc..

The older profile pages were ascending stories that disappeared off the page..with only one little link that said “older posts”. And sometimes the scripting would just sit there loading into eternity.

Recent posts on Facebook disappear into oblivion

Now, we have a more organized scrapbook style timeline to see all that you were, all you’ve done, with whom and when, since the day you joined Facebook. Thought you got lost in the server somewhere? Thought your posts died in oblivion? Guess again! Thanks Facebook for giving us our very own scrapbook to customize and create. Now, we really can tell new friends our stories.

Every lost an item that you really don’t need anymore..only to find it later and rediscover it? Timeline does that for us. Go through your old posts..laugh, cry..see how far you have come..remember the events from a Christmas in 2009, when a friend lost a family member, or when your dog got lost..

Still confused about how to use timeline?

The top huge banner is your cover for your Timeline “live scrapbook” Then the thumbnails directly under that are categories of likes, subscriptions to other friends posts and activities, applications you like , notes you have written, photo albums and your friends lists. You can move them around, reorganize them or replace them with other social bookmarks.

Next to those thumbnails is your basic info about you. Then the timeline begins..with the newer activities first. As you scroll into your timeline..your milestones are on the right and your more recent activity is on the left. Watch the top of your screen when you enter timeline. You will see a bar at the top of your screen appear. The little icons on the bar have options for you to fill in the blanks or change your history. But to the left of those, is your posting options..from a place(checkin) to photos and status. Like a floating posting board.

Facebook's new Timeline editing

You can click on any post in your timeline to feature and show your friends so they can see it too. To do this, you hover over the timeline post, at any date, and click the star in the top right next to the “edit” pencil icon. This will feature that post. The “edit” tool also allows you to edit or delete that older post..so they are no longer set in cement.

Now you can also let your friends join in on the music you are listening to, as well as the apps you use.  These apps also help you discover what your friends are up to. You can even join in if you want: play the song they’re listening to, or watch the same TV show.  You and your friends can tell your stories from the small things..like what you had for breakfast..to the biggest moments..like your sister had a baby.

Timeline gives US control over what we see, what we tell, when, how, where and with whom. Total control.

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