Don’t Quit Before You Even Start

Business-IdeaSTOP!  I have an idea!  It’s a great idea that will take my business to the next level!  It will change the way I live and solve so many problems….but what if I fail?  What if I can’t figure out the details?  What if nobody else thinks it is a great idea?

Ever have this conversation with yourself?  Maybe not those exact words, but how many ideas or projects never got out of the starting gate because you talked yourself out of even starting?  Whether it is a craft project or a business idea, the only one that can stop you is you.  When you hear those little voices start talking (now, don’t get me wrong, those voices and I have had some wonderful conversations over the years!) check this list…

-You are not allowed to say “I can’t.”  You can say, it may be tough, or this could take some work, but the word can’t shall not come out of your mouth….or your head.  If it does, push it out and think again.


-Focus on the goal and understand that limitations are just hurdles to jump over.  Of course any new venture is going to have some speed bumps, but your job is to drive over them.  When you come across one of these hurdles, pat yourself on the back, make yourself a cup of coffee and savor the victory no matter how small.  Sometime overcoming one obstacle gives you enough momentum to overcome the next.  When you run up against a mountain remind yourself that there is a solution to most every problem, some just take more effort to find than others.

-Write your goal down, say it out loud and tell someone else.  The very act of seeing it on paper, or computer, and telling another person makes the idea seem more real and less of a dream.

-Ask for help!  Who told you that you have to do it all on your own?  Ask for help in areas you are unsure of and be open to feedback and suggestions.  Nobody is saying you have to take all the suggestions, but at least be willing to listen and consider them.

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-Enjoy the journey.  Don’t become so focused on your goal that you miss all the wonderful adventures along the way.  Keep a journal of your progress or even write it in a blog.  You never know who you might inspire-it might even be you when you look back at all you’ve accomplished.

-Finally-START!  You can’t reach your goal if you are still sitting, frozen, at the starting line!



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