Craft Show Season is Around the Corner

While it may not seem like spring in some parts of the country, the reality is that it is just around the corner and that means it is time to get yourself ready for craft show season!  If you are a veteran of the craft show circuit, consider sharing your knowledge with the newbies by leaving comments after this post giving them your best piece of advice for they upcoming adventure…..

For those that have done many shows, they quickly learn that preparation is key to making it through your day.  Craft shows can be a lot of work, but if you forget something important, as we all have done in the past, it can take a difficult day and make it unbearable.  The key is preparation in advance…a bit of advance planning and no matter what the circumstances, you will be prepared.

craft show checklist

This list is just a starting point and by no means complete.  You will need to tweak it to fit your craft and the circumstances of each show…but at least you have a starting point if you are just getting started!

Download your own copy of this checklist here! craft show checklist


6 thoughts on “Craft Show Season is Around the Corner

  1. Hi Andrew,

    I’ve never done a craft show before but I think I’m ready to do my first, so that checklist is a great help. I’m really nervous about doing my first show, and I am first going to go to a few before I do my own, I think that would give me some great ideas for mine. But thanks for sharing all your great information, now only on this post, but I follow you on alot of other posts also and have learned alot. Still in the process of opening my shop on handmade artist. Thanks again, Justine, Justinesjewelry4u

    1. My best advice would be ask questions! Most artists are more than happy to help you along getting started doing shows. Attend a few and look carefully, not only at the wonderful art, but at the set ups that catch your attention as well as the booths that don’t give you that welcoming feeling. Take notes and use those to plan your own set up! Best of luck!

  2. I love to scout out shows before I do them, see if there are an overabundance of jewelers.. see whether there us good “foot traffic”..essentially see if the particular show would be a good fit.
    I too have a checklist..after more than two decades of craft fairs I still find it a valuable tool.
    A couple of years ago another jeweler was setting up the next
    booth, lo and behold, Oh Shoot she muttered ” where’s my jewelry case”?? Andrew makes a good case in point!

    1. I’ve done that….forgot something important and there was nothing I could do about it at that point! Now? Everything that goes in my car is checked off my list as it goes in.

      I also try to scout out shows before applying. If nothing else to get a feel for what type of work they let in and what the traffic looks like. I often talk with the current vendors if they are not busy and they are a wealth of information about the show and the promoters.

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