Chained Buddha Necklace

il_570xN.487675438_kgk3[1]Buddha originated from India, and has been worn to bring good luck, protection and prosperity of all forms. Recently, Buddha has made a huge return to the public, as well as many other Ascended Masters!
The Buddha Amulet in this photo is a lovely silver with turquoise and is not distracted by the silver chains and black silk rope within the chains that hang comfortably at 12 inches without adding the amulet which adds another inch and a half! The Amulet is meant to bring the good luck, protection and prosperity mentioned before as well as to help keep you peaceful, if you take a look at the amulet you’ll see Buddha is meditating! It’s a real treasure to anyone who gets it, it stays simple as many of Buddha’s teaching and lets you carry your own Buddha around! Now, what isn’t that worth?

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