Carrot Scarlet Nantes Heirloom seeds, Order now, FREE shipping & a free gift

Carrot Scarlet Nantes Heirloom seeds, Order now, FREE shipping & a free gift

At Home Farm Herbery we only plant Heirloom Organic seeds and we save these seeds each year. Often we have some extra and when that happens we are pleased to offer them to other health conscious gardeners and this year our supply of these delicious, healthy, easy to grow carrots is limited so order now.

Carrot Scarlet Nantes AKA (Daucus carota) (aka Early Coreless) Dates to the 1850s; original seed developed by Vilmorin in France. Cylindrical roots are 7 inch long with blunt tips. Fine-grained bright red-orange flesh is nearly coreless. It has great flavor, sweet and brittle. Good when used as baby carrots and it is excellent for freezing and juicing. This carrot is widely adapted and stores well. Matures in 65-75 days.

Sow seeds outdoors 3-4 weeks before last spring frost or as soon as soil can be worked. Tamp soil firmly; keep bed moist until emergence. Germination is slow and uneven, so be patient. Using spun polyester row covers may improve germination rates.

100 seed package $4.95

When you sow this package of seeds you are taking part in the preservation of healing plants worldwide.

We thank you in advance for your purchase as 100% of our net proceeds go to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Click on our link or copy & paste into your browser to order now.

Your order automatically enters you in this month’s contest to try to win a FREE original work of art valued at least at $100.00.

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