Bacon Inspector Tshirt

said to myself the other day “Damn.. but I love my job. I mean, what could be better than drawing stick figures for a living?”

Then I was like woah.
Wait a minute.
Wait just one cotton-pickin’ MINUTE!
There is only one thing on this earth with the power to make anything and everything BETTER.
I think we both know what I’m talking about.

That’s right people: Bacon.

Bacon is like.. the most magical food in existence. I think butter is probably the only thing besides bacon that you can add to any food and it becomes MORE DELICIOUS. Except bacon trumps butter because we all know you can’t add butter to butter, but you CAN add bacon to bacon and you get DOUBLE THE BACON.

Which is brilliant..

What I’m saying is that if I could combine drawing stick figures with the unending consumption of bacon, I would.

And so the “Bacon Inspector” was born.
(…they do say you should dress for the job you want…)

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