Ask Not What a Selling Site Can Do For You……

I’ve seen many people around the internet complaining about lack of sales.  Are times tough, um, yes; are people a bit more tight fisted with their money, um, yes; are there people making a living creating handmade goodies, um, YES!  So what are they doing that you are not?

The Wood Hut
Business Card Holder created by The Wood Hut

One common comment I’ve seen time and time again is “I’ve listed X number of items and waited X amount of time but I haven’t sold anything…..must be the site!  It’s too big/too small/not run well/not bringing in customers!” Is it our instant gratification world that gives artists and crafters the idea that if they list it customers will come (and buy)?  Please show me a website that promises this to anyone so that I can also sign up!




Many selling venues promise a few things:

1. You can have your own page where all your items will be shown.

2. Your items will be found in a search of keywords within the site.

3. If someone chooses to buy one of your treasures, a customer will be able to purchase from your page and you will get payment notification.

Nowhere on any site I’ve seen, is it promised that you will get instant sales just be listing a product.

Custom Logo Mosaic Sign by Glass Brook Designs
Custom Logo Mosaic Sign by Glass Brook Designs

So where does that leave you?  Responsible for your own success, that’s where.  Are you promoting your work through blogs and social media?  How are you getting your name out there?  Are your pictures eye catching enough for a customer to stop scrolling and take notice?  Are your key words and tags words that the average customer would search to find your product?  Are your descriptions complete with all the information a customer will need to decide if said product is right for them?

Take a deep breath and step back from the keyboard when you are about to complain about your lack of sales and ask yourself if you have done everything possible to make your business a success.  If you have and you are still searching for that elusive customer, ask others that you trust what you are missing.  Ask for a shop critique or your friends to take a critical look at your product and see where you are going wrong.

There is no magic site that will get you sales and that is not what they promise.  You must take control of your business and your own success.

One thought on “Ask Not What a Selling Site Can Do For You……

  1. I Chair not one, but TWO regional, destination event art festivals. When people are spending money, artists tell me I’m wonderful. When the same amount of people are just looking, I’m not so great according to the artists. HOWEVER, one very special and insightful woman, a jewelry artist working with precious stones, told me one time after a so-so event that, “It’s not your job to get me sales.” HOORAY! At least there is one (and maybe more) people that understand what you just wrote about!

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