ArtFire Featured Artist Daffydill

How many of us can claim to find our passion and stick to it for over 40 years?  Now many that I know, except for this lady, DaffyDill!  She has been crafting from bits and pieces as well as collecting and repairing and reusing jewelry and creating wearable art from them.

She grew up in a “waste not, want not” lifestyle which was rural and basic.  After growing up and becoming a wife, mother, single mom she returned to that thought and has used it to create amazing jewelry.  She used items from around her home and nature for props and inspiration and feels that while not monetarily rich, the happiness she has found in her life is worth it.  She believes in an unencumbered state of being which is something many never attain.

DaffyDill’s name?  Well, she tells of a time when there was only ICQ available for IM (she says she is dating herself and I remember this so I am dating myself as well) and all the names she wanted were taken.  Her darling son suggested daffodils…after a laugh she realized that the name wasn’t half bad with a bit of tweeking.  Now, why mess with a good thing?  You don’t and the name stuck.

Are you ready to see what a passionate mother can create using her passion and eye for design?  Well, she is easy to find on Artfire and her shop is full of beautiful colors that hold your eye and you can check out her blog for updates on her latest designs.

3 thoughts on “ArtFire Featured Artist Daffydill

  1. Thanks for sharing this article. Daffydill has talent, insight and creativity in re-creating previously loved articles into lovely jewelry. Congratulations Daffydill!

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