Almost There

Bringing together two sites into one is a real challenge. But we are almost there. This site is almost done and ready for contests and features. Just a few more things to tailor and we have it made!

ArtFire LInk is a great site but it’s tough to manage as it’s actually three sites in one. But a great mind I know said to me recently: “Confused says no”. So we are going to make this site as easy as we can for you to find what you need, and for new friends to find new and awesome hand crafted gifts(for themselves too).

You will find it easy to sign up and be approved to blog here. Once you sign up, all you have to do is wait for approval and then message IBH in our website messaging system for author rights to blog.

We will set up some tutorials on how to blog on our site, for those…not so savvy users.
See you soon!

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