Welcome to the madness!  My name is Kimberly and I have been creating for as long as I can remember thanks to a crafty Grandmother that insisted on living a do it yourself lifestyle as much as possible.  I took these lessons to heart and have developed a serious case of Crafters ADD for which there is no cure!  I have amassed a ridiculous collection of odds and ends that are going to be something someday and a list a mile long of things I want to try.

Our family life is insanely busy as we chase our two boys from one event to another as well as playing in various leagues ourselves.  We currently live in a small shore town inNew Jerseyand spend a lot of time on the beach!  Andrew works full time as a Senior Estimator and Project Manager in the construction industry and I work at a friend’s business as well as on my own craft business selling hand painted glassware and chainmaille jewelry.  Our boys have gotten into the handmade act and are able to create many chainmaille weaves for themselves, which my oldest son sells to his friends at school!  My goal is to allow my boys to foster their own creativity (shown in all its glory when my 12 year old decided to dye his hair electric blue!) and understand the value of handmade.

Along with my husband, Andrew, we are the founders of the HandmadeArtists forum and shop.  That project began as a place where creative types could come together to share information, ask questions or for support as well as show off their latest treasures.  It has grown to over 2,300 members from around the world!  We have watched as a premi baby grows and thrives, moves, children drama, business changes, contests, parties, graduations, selling slumps and booms.  Our members are supportive and willing to tell you the honest truth with love in order to make you a better artist.

The shop was never in the plan, but instead came about after years of selling on other venues.  Each had their plusses and minuses, but none were strictly handmade and we felt that handmade treasures deserved a place in the spotlight…and the shop was born.

I am passionate about handmade and the artist behind the work and this new venture is a reflection of that.  As we grow and change, Andrew and I hope to help artists get seen and show the world that handmade should hold a special place of its own.

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