Why am I Not Selling? Photos, Photos, Photos!!

why am i not selling making sales online businessIt is a question I see daily on blogs, facebook groups and forums all over the internet, “Why am I not selling?”  While I do not claim to know it all, though my family may disagree with that, I do know that after a number of years selling online as well as running a number of handmade focused sites I’ve learned a few things that I would love to pass on to those trying to increase their online sales.

Let’s begin with your PHOTOS!  Your product images are the first, and many times the deciding factor on whether or not a customer is willing to look further.  Think for a second and ask yourself, when you are scrolling around the internet looking for that perfect do-dad for your gerbils birthday, how fast do you scroll?  Do you stop at each and every do-dad that comes up and click to read each and every description?  Probably not, and if you do then hats off to you for winning the patience award of the year!  Most don’t!  We scroll down and only stop to inspect further if we happen to see a picture that catches our eye.

Light bulb on bright backgroundBright and eye catching!

You have but a split second in this instant gratification world to make a customer stop and look further!  Take a critical eye to your photos, and if you can’t do it, ask a friend that is too honest for their own good to do it for you.  If you came across your own image would you click?


clutter-clipart-6431197_f260No clutter!

I don’t know how many times I’ve see images that are full of props and such, so full in fact I honestly did not know what the product was.  If your customer does not know what you are selling, do you really believe they are willing to embark on a scavenger hunt to find out?  Simple props are one thing, but your product should always be the star of the show.


focusFocus please!

I understand that most of us are not photographers by trade, but even a novice can see when the image is blurred and out of focus.  Why are you asking your customers to strain their eyes to see the amazing detail you put into your piece?  Show them off with clear photos.



If you are unsure about how your images stack up, take a few moments to search your product and others like it.  Let your eyes roam the pages and see where they land.  Do your images stand out in the crowd or are yours being overshadowed by another?  Examine those that stick out and ask yourself why theirs over yours and take notes!  This will give you a starting point to really make those product images pop!

There are plenty of other suggestions that I’m sure you can make to those just starting out since I just hit on a couple of the most basic problems I’ve seen.  Share your opinion on what catches your eye or makes you turn away when you are shopping for handmade on the internet in the comments below!




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