Sapria the Dragon – custom dye, cotton velour, wool stuffing

Sapria has a doll safety (locking) neck, string jointed arms and legs, and her tail is sewn as a part of the body. Her eyes are sewn in using extra strength upholstery thread, but care should always be taken with young children.

Sapria may be little in size, but has a solid feel with her wings being weighted with glass doll weighting (glass beads) at approximately one-half of a pound total. She is stuffed with soft, warm wool.


Sapria’s Story

Baby dragons are called so many things. Among them are whelp, dragonet, and hatchling. I cannot stand the term hatchling and I deplore the title of whelp. Dragonet is not bad but still; it is not very personal. I prefer my given name. Dragons in my clan were not given a name until they learned how to fly. And typically dragons are taught to fly by their fathers. I will remember that day as if it were yesterday. By the time that I started learning to fly it was mid-winter. Cold and gray skies blanketed our home. When the skies are dark, they take the luster out of everything, including the gleam of a dragon’s scales. One overcast morning my father and I were practicing some high altitude maneuvers when suddenly we broke through the clouds. Bright, warm sunshine shone on our hides and chased winter’s chill from our blood. I heard my father gasp. I turned my head to see him hovering in mid air, no longer following me. Fearing that something had happened, I quickly flew back to where my father had stopped. As I looked upon his face I noticed a tear rolling slowly from my father’s eye. “What is wrong papa?” I cried. “Follow me.” was all that he replied. Slowly we flew to a rocky outcropping. “Let us sit and talk, young one.” My father instructed. Landing on the rock my father wrapped his large wing around me and smiled. “Today is the day that you shall be named my dear.” He whispered, his voice husky with emotion. “My daughter, the beauty of the sun shining upon your scales made me weep. The purple and pink. The yellow and green. So vibrant and beautiful. In all of my great collection of silver, gold, and gems, there is but one gem stone that I desire to look upon continually. That stone is known as Sapphire and today that is what I saw in your beauty. From this day forward you shall be known as Sapira. ” I still tear up when I think of that day. But now it is time for the next stage of my young life. I am to be chosen by a human to give him or her love, warmth, cozy feelings, and happiness. Those feelings any young dragon can give. But I have something extra special! I can light up the room with my vibrant colors. I can dazzle a human young and old with my radiant smile. I am so excited to find a new home! Won’t you please pick me?
href=’’>tiny wing 2

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